What I do: I teach inner body wisdom to empowered individuals, burnout service providers, and truth seekers.
Check out my story:
My Mission:
My mIssion is to heal communities from the inside out. My purpose is to ignite desires and teach the significance of aligning with one's True Self, empowering individuals to courageously discover what is innately abundant.
The Struggle:
As a teacher who has served the Bay Area community for over 20 years, I have personally experienced stress, burnout, and the chaotic life we endure, often in survival mode. Compassionate individuals give so much of themselves to their industry not because it pays well, but because they believe in the integrity and value our service provides.
I gave more than my fair share to my work, which led to feeling like a depleted shell of myself: alienated, unheard, unseen, and with very little bandwidth to enjoy the simple pleasures in life such as joy, freedom, and abundance.
I faced a crucial decision - to stick with the conditioned experience - or to put an end to excuses and embark on a journey of personal growth to create a story line with the highest potential.
Strength-Based Solutions:
Once I began to update the meanings behind the story I was telling - my circumstances began to shift.
With my coaching certificate in hand, I committed myself wholeheartedly to practicing the transformative tools it offered. I immersed myself in the work, embodying it as if it were my very profession - which it has now become.
Every day, I integrate practices and strategies into my life that harmonize my goals with my reality. As I began sharing this work with others, my professional journey took flight.
Turning Point
The turning point in my life arrived when I became aware of the repetitive narrative that kept me trapped in undesirable situations. It was an awakening to the need for a different story, yet I lacked the words and clarity to articulate what I truly desired. Frustrated, I found myself facing a blank page, marked only by a big question mark. In a whispered plea to the universe, I called out, ‘Show me.’
That's when the transformative power of the quantum human design map came into my life. It became my guiding light, providing profound insights and the language I needed to redefine the meanings behind the story I was telling. With its wisdom as my compass, I embarked on a journey of profound self-discovery, rewriting the narrative that once held me captive.
I Fell in Love with Heart Based Solutions
Through my quantum human design map, I found the language and insight that allowed me to reshape my reality. It is a profound tool that unveils new possibilities and opportunities to break free from old patterns and create a life filled with purpose.
Today, I share this transformative experience with others, empowering them to rewrite their stories and embark on their own path of personal evolution and align with their innate abundance.
What is it like to Work with Me
Envision your favorite teacher - and the profound insight and unwavering passion they brought to ensure your success. That's the exact environment I strive to create for each and every one of my clients.
Together, we embark on a journey where your aspirations are met with constant support and guidance, propelling you towards growth and achievement.